

Asbestose er en sykdom som skyldes innånding av asbeststøv. Over tid fører dette til at lungevev omdannes til arrvev eller det som benevnes lungefibrose.

Asbestose oppstår som regel 15-20 år etter eksponering for asbest.

Sist oppdatert:

1. mars 2021

Dette dokumentet er basert på det profesjonelle dokumentet Asbestose . Referanselisten for dette dokumentet vises nedenfor

  1. Lauridsen HL, Bønløkke JH, Davidsen JR, Eldahl F, Huremovic J, Krüger K, Omland Ø, Shaker SB, Sherson D. Asbestose og pleurale plaques. Ugeskr Laeger. 2018 Jun 18;180(25):V10170773. Danish. PMID: 29938630.
  2. Rosenman KD. Asbestosis. BestPractice, last updated 12 Nov 2020. bestpractice.bmj.com
  3. O'Reilly KMA, McLaughlin AM, Beckett WS. Asbestos-related lung disease. Am Fam Physician 2007; 75: 683-8. American Family Physician
  4. Helland, Å., S. Solberg, and O.T. Brustugun, Incidence and survival of malignant pleural mesothelioma in Norway: a population-based study of 1686 cases. J Thorac Oncol, 2012; 7: 1858-61.
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  6. Markowitz SB, Levin SM, Miller A, et al. Asbestos, asbestosis, smoking, and lung cancer. New findings from the North American insulator cohort. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2013; 188: 90-96. PubMed
  7. Dale MT, McKeough ZJ, Troosters T, Bye P, Alison JA. Exercise training to improve exercise capacity and quality of life in people with non-malignant dust-related respiratory diseases. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2015, Issue 11. Art. No.: CD009385. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD009385.pub2. DOI